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Meet our premiere Lasik surgeons.

Nicholas P. Marsico, M.D.

Nicholas Marsico, M.D. is a board certified ophthalmologist who specializes in refractive surgery and the treatment of corneal diseases.

Amarpreet Brar, M.D. F.A.C.S.

Dr. Brar has been a board-certified ophthalmologist for more than 15 years, and has performed over 15,000 eye surgeries. He specializes in all-laser Custom LASIK, PRK, cataracts, intraocular lens implants and Wavefront technology.

The LenSx Method Means Truly Blade-Free LASIK

The LenSx Method is a 100% blade-free approach to creating your LASIK flap — the thin flap of tissue that the doctor creates to perform your LASIK procedure. The LenSx Method can only be performed using the LenSx Laser. Millions of procedures have been performed safely and effectively using the LenSx Method. With the LenSx Method, you can have a LASIK procedure that’s 100% blade free, exceptionally advanced, and has been shown to improve outcomes for more patients.

How the LenSx Works

The ultra-fast LenSx laser uses an infrared light beam to prepare the intracorneal bed and create the corneal flap in the first step of LASIK.

  • Using an “inside-out” process, the laser beam is precisely focused to a point within the cornea.
  • The laser pulses then create thousands of microscopic bubbles which define the precise architecture of the intracorneal surface, as well as the distinct beveled edge of the resulting flap.
  • The bubbles are then stacked along the edge up to the corneal surface to complete step one.
  • From start to finish, the LenSx process takes approximately 15-20 seconds.
  • The LASIK procedure is complete when the flap is securely repositioned on its beveled edge.

LASIK – Laser Vision Correction in Los Angeles

At East West Eye Institute we utilize the latest technology such as the WaveLight Allegretto Wave Excimer Laser System, and VISX S4 excimer laser with advanced eye tracking capability and CustomVue wavefront technology. Dr. Marsico is our board certified ophthalmologist with over a decade of experience performing lasik and other refractive surgical procedures. East West Eye Institute welcomes you to a free LASIK evaluation to determine if you indeed are a candidate.

How LASIK Eye Surgery Works

LASIK is a surgical procedure intended to reduce or eliminate one’s dependency on glasses or contacts. The term LASIK stands for Laser Assisted In-situ Keratomileusis. This is just a fancy way of stating that a cool laser beam is used to gently reshape the cornea, ie the clear dome or window forming the front surface of the eye. It is the shape of the cornea that determines whether one has a refractive error. A person with pure myopia, or nearsightedness, has a rounded cornea that is too steep. A person with pure hyperopia, or farsightedness, has a rounded cornea that is too flat. A person with astigmatism has a cornea that is irregularly shaped, like a football or the back surface of a spoon. In other words, it is not perfectly round. One can have astigmatism in addition to nearsightedness or farsightedness. With LASIK, an excimer laser is used to reshape the cornea. In the case of nearsightedness, the steep cornea is made flatter, in farsightedness, the flat cornea is made steeper. Perhaps an easier way to understand lasik is to think of the laser incorporating one’s glasses or contact lens prescription directly onto the surface of the eye.

CareCredit Card

We care about your vision and you. That is why paying for your procedure shouldn’t be holding you back. The CareCredit card is a payment program that lets you begin your procedure immediately–then pay it over time with monthly payments. Apply for CareCredit today.

Apply for CareCredit

Additional Resources

Food and Drug Administration

American Academy of Ophthamology

Contact our LASIK Coordinator at (310) 739-6181